
Armory Shop:

  • Iron Plate Body Price Increased: 50 -> 500 Gold
  • Iron Helm Price Increased: 50 -> 325 Gold
  • Iron Shield Price Increased: 50 -> 325 Gold
  • Iron 1H Sword Price Increased: 50 -> 325 Gold
  • Iron 2H Sword Price Set: 500 Gold
  • Iron Axe Price Increased: 50 -> 100 Gold
  • Iron Pickaxe increased: 50 -> 100 Gold

Added to Armory Shop:

  • Iron 2H Sword

Mount Shop:

  • Undead Raptor Mount Price Increased: 100 -> 1000 Gold
Other Bosses Drop Rate:
  • EXP Exiler: .1% -> 1%
  • Animal Fur: 5% -> 50%
Crate Box to Gold Box in Tower of Treasury Drop Rate:

  • Animal Fur: 10% -> 50%
King Cobra Drop Rate:
  • EXP Exiler: .1% -> 1%
  • Amber Gem: .1% -> 1%
  • Amethyst Gem: .1% -> 1%
  • Sapphire Gem: .1% -> 1%
  • Emerald Gem: .1% -> 1%
  • Ruby Gem: .1% -> 1%


-Gold Coin Icon Added in Crafting Gold Requirement